Tag Archives: henrihopper

Purple & Lime

18 Jan

Or, berry and chartreuse.

This is a color combination that I think we will be seeing more of soon. I have been noticing a lot of chartreuse in accessories lately, and both of these colors in fabrics for spring.

One of my favorite blogs, decor8, touched on this a couple of weeks ago too, with lots of lovely pictures to go with. She’s noticed it too! I had been mulling this post over in my head for a while, so decided to go ahead also, since I had pictures of my own to show you!

I have had this combination in my bedroom for 3 years now, and am feeling the need to move on, but not before I wrote about these colors here. I just love them too much, and I wouldn’t even describe myself as a purple person. It was my favorite color as a child, and I went through a lavender clothing phase at about 16, but since then, not so much, discounting the purple imac I had in 1999. But it’s grown on me again recently.

I like a really warm purple, or a very deep one. My bedroom walls right now are:

which in my south-facing bedroom just glows, and I have a chair that is Danish Modern with nubby lime upholstery. And green lamps.

I got the image above from the Benjamin Moore website. The colors currently on their site are variations of purple! Coincidence? I think not. This color is hot right now.

It’s nothing new, however. It’s a color combination we see in nature all the time, and one that frequently floors me with its intensity:

This is from last year, outside my local Kinko’s. Incredible. Can’t wait to see it again this year.

Then there’s this, on my patio:

A classic San Diego sight.

And, most recently, these:

from the Hillcrest farmer’s market. I have no idea what these are (if you do, please tell me!) but once again, it was these colors together that got me.

They inspired a recent work:

Where have you seen them lately? And are they growing on you like they have on me?